My Work


I'm currently babysitting my son. 😂


During my pastime I like to think of how can I solve problems. Just simple problems that I'm having. I remember a colleague of mine first made a Manga reader. I was in awe and got really inspired. Since I love reading manga, I told myself what is the problem that I mostly encounter when doing so. The answers are loading speed, poor UI and Ads everywhere! If you are reading manga as well, you are definitely aware of the problems I just mentioned. Besides, manga images are notorious for their large size and the websites are bombarded with ads. Quite annoying. Though, I don't blame them if that's how they make money. Anyway, I just took action on the matter and build my own Manga Reader. And Libremanga was born. (FYI, this is not maintained and the API is now inactive.) My first web app. Then the rest is history :)

“A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” ― Duke Ellington

I like to use different tech/tools when creating my own app. Mix and match to see which will be the best fit for the requirements and my style. This is one of the great parts of doing your own projects. You get to decide which one to use. I'm my own BOSS!

Here are some of my personal projects. Or you can check out my github account.

Uno's baptism photos.NextjsCloudinary
Uno's immunization Records.NextjsFramer
Discover Manga on the Go.NextjsChakra UIValtio
My Version of Github Jobs.ReactjsMaterial UIServerlessDeprecated API
The Purple Hacker News.NextjsStyled-Components
Perya (Carnival) inspired game.PugJavascript
The Jejemon Generator. Converts regular word to a Jejemon word.Sveltejs
This is the version 2 personal website.NextjsFramerPWA
Fun to play Bingo Game.ReactjsFramerStyled-Components
Dedicated Covid 19 Tracker for Philippines.ReactjsTailwind
Updated market value of UITF's available in the Philippines.ReactjsMaterial UIPWA
Compare Cryptocurrencies Realtime.ReactjsBulma
Pokemon Database.NextjsFramerSass
List of Dota2 players with the highest Rank.NextjsFramerServerless
List of Dota 2 professional players with the highest earnings.NextjsFramerServerless
Simple currency exchange rate.ReactjsDeprecated API
Free, fast, simple and straightforward Manga Reader.BackbonejsJqueryDeprecated API
My first manga reader app.HTMLCSSJqueryDeprecated API
Jquery tootlip plugin.JavascriptJquery
Random Team Generator.HTMLCSSJavascript